Feature film editor Michael Fallavollita started out in the motion picture industry as an assistant film editor for Steven Spielberg. Some of his early credits include JURASSIC PARK, SCHINDLER’S LIST, CASPER and HOOK. Michael was given his feature editing opportunity by Oscar Winner, Michael Lantieri on his film, KOMODO.
Next, Michael edited for Back to the Future writer/producer Bob Gale on his original film INTERSTATE 60. Over the next several years, Michael edited for Christopher Nolan, Alfonso Cuaron, Frank Darabont, Roko Belic, Kevin Smith, Guillermo del Toro and Zach Snyder on various documentaries, television shows and motion pictures.
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At-Home Streaming on Vimeo: $6.50
(To purchase Trust Me on DVD, write to: info@gettingbetterfoundation.org)
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- We will provide PDFs of posters, invitations, email and social media templates to help you build an audience for your screening.
- We have partnered with Eventbrite to make hosting your screening as easy as possible.